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Interview with the Clothes Horse: Rebecca


With a little blog and a lot of style, Rebecca has made a big splash in the fashion world. Her blog, The Clothes Horse, has become a major source of inspiration for fashion lovers everywhere. The term “clothes horse” is defined as a person who is passionate about new clothes. There’s no doubt that our fashionable friend personifies this term! As an added bonus, Rebecca’s versatile blog expands beyond fashion. From fabulous hair to film to fictional literature, Rebecca has us covered! So without further ado, let’s step inside the mind behind this brilliant blogosphere.  Check out her { favorite Asian iCandy pieces } after our Q&A. 



Describe your style in three words.

Quirky, ladylike, retro  

What advice would you give to people who are thinking about starting a blog?

The biggest thing is just to go for it--people always want to have everything figured out first, but chances are even when you start with a specific idea it might evolve over time as you realize you aren't that passionate about it--I mean my blog wasn't a personal style blog. You learn so much by doing--don't focus too much on planning but go ahead and start and learn through the process. Practice makes perfect.

Now that you’re a pro at blogging, what do you wish you would've known when you were just starting out? 

Oh man, there's a lot of things I wish I knew--probably the number one thing would be to expand to social media quickly (I was SO LATE on Instagram and Twitter). It just works so well with the blog and it's really becoming the way you interact with brands and learn about new photographers.


We love your Style Crush series. What do you like the most about your current style crush?

With a lot of my style crushes what I admire most is their diversity--they aren't afraid to try different styles or silhouettes. Consistent style is inspiring too, but there's just something about people who are fearless about style or willing to try new things that I really admire.

You’ve done lots of traveling! Can you give us some tips for staying stylish while traveling? 

Despite growing up in a family that meant frequent moves I'm still a rather terrible packer, but one thing I have learned is to stick to a color palette. You can pack more dresses and be able to change your outfit more if you just pack one jacket, one cardigan, one pair of socks/tights, one hat, or purse that will go with everything. I also think people feel they have to pack very casually for travel, but unless you're hiking there's no reason you can't have cute dresses or comfy ballet flats in your suitcase.  

We’ve watched you sport bold hair colors. Is there a color you’re still waiting to try?

I think I'd actually like to try blonde sometime! I was blonde when I was little and I don't know that it would suit me, but it would be fun to try it out briefly between colors.

You’ve posted about your love for Japanese street style. How does the culture’s clothing inspire you?

I first started following Japanese street style in junior high through FRUiTS magazine and it was the first time I saw people dressing very creative and artistically. It really opened up to me this world of clothes as fun--like you didn't have to stop playing dress-up just because you were becoming a teenager. That still is really what appeals to me about Japanese street style--people are so much more adventurous and playful than I see here most of the time. I get inspired by the fearlessness as much as the particular styles. 

If we peeked at your iPod, who would the most played artist be?

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes 

What song do you currently have on replay? 

Ribs by Lorde 


 S H O P Rebecca's favorites  >>